I seem to have to do everything in haste these days, except for leave Simao that is (see entry below). Our Ninger (Team) Leader-Traininer training course is going very well so far. We have a fabulous mixture of participants this time round - leaders from various schools, training centres and colleges, with backgrounds in Maths, English and Chinese teaching. Not only will we have English model lessons to feedback on, but several teachers have volunteered to give Maths teaching and Chinese teaching demonstrations. This means, of course, that several participants can't speak English but we have ways to cope. By the end of today the trainees knew that they would have to cooperate well with us and with each other, to translate and check that everyone can follow. This will be especially important when Liao Xinli and Hou Wanxia (the Chinese members of our PIE Team) return to Simao tomorrow and leave Sue and I alone!

Ali and the girls have been in Jinghong for Water Splashing Festival, which you will hear about in due course. Ali may mock my coffee machine and hamsters, but I believe they are returning from their excursion with two ducklings and who knows what else!

Sue, myself and some willing staff from the training centre helped us prepare the venue on Saturday afternoon. We spent the morning setting up our satellite TDC in a dormitory room they had cleared out in advance. We have four main places to teach - this large hall (for meetings, parties and teaching demos (a simulation classroom is set up at the back), two small classrooms and a playground. I've tried to incorporate as wide a range of activities and venues into the timetable as possible, to keep them fresh during this intensive course.

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