Remember that Edie was 2 years old when we moved to China, so she may be in for the greatest culture shock of us all as we go cold turkey from China. In her China (if not all Chinese) up-bringing she has chewed on chicken feet.... and almost every other part of the feathered friend... she has devoured duck (Beijing- style is her favourite), picked out pigeon brains, palated proto-eggs, gobbled goose soup and cracked quails' wings, all without the bat of an eyelid. She has never, however, eaten roast turkey. Nor has she even see this plucked bird - only a live one in New Zealand. Christmas dinner is underway, though it's going to be slightly late this year because we'd forgotten just how long it takes to prepare everything. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone.

Edie delivers a Secret Santa gift to Grandad David.
After each drawing one other name from the hat, we launched a new Secret Santa tradition this year, starting with the first letter of the alphabet. The A gifts we enjoyed included: adjustable book light, A4 pad, Anaseed pastels and aloe vera gel, (model) aeroplane and Asparin. The general consensus was that A is a tricky letter and B is going to be an easier year. [Further restriction: All gifts must be under £3.]
26/12/2010 01:27:12 pm

I see the "A" theme ran to alliteration too! Lovely entry. Enjoy your turkey roast, sandwiches, soup, puree...


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