Visitors to the TDC these days get to open the advent calendar for, you guessed it, a mini Dove chocolate (best quality!). The TDC is a hive of activity these days, even more than usual, as Hou Wanxia has been formally promoted to the post of Director of the Teaching Development Centre. While she's flapping around trying to put together 3-year work plans, reports, proposals etc, I'm digging out versions of these documents that I've already prepared. It's quite funny really. A visitor asked this morning, "So, what will the TDC do and where will Hou Wanxia's office be and who else will be part of it?" I had to laugh. Hou Wanxia will continue to work with me, Tina (until January) and the new volunteer, in this office, doing the work already underway and developing new activities, that are also already underway. gWe also hope to start up a few new research projects, like a teaching model/experiment (with me as the teacher) in local schools. As it happens, I am happy to do everything I can for Hou Wanxia. I will hand over all my materials, documents, resources, reports and anything else that can help her in this new role. I'll be the secret force that guides and supports her, probably the thorn in her side too! She has a lot of eyes on her but this formal recognition of her efforts and capabilities has been a long time coming.

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