Ali and Lesley found themselves with some spare time on their hands yesterday, waiting for the rest of the wood-logging team to arrive at the forest - that is Freda, Edie, Granny, Grandad and the pony, Lucy (more on that later). We took the opportunity to practise turning the trailer. Driving with a trailer is easy enough, if one remembers to turn corners a little bit wider and longer. Getting it to go backwards, however, is significantly harder. A tweek of the wheel in the wrong direction can lead to a frustraing jackknife. Our practice session soon turned into a competition, to see who could reverse the trailer round a gravel heap and into a small side road, with the car and trailer ending up in a straight line. Any guesses who won?

1/1/2011 06:49:36 pm

Was it the most competitive person?

2/1/2011 06:42:13 pm

No, it was the better driver. Of course, perhaps competition drives one to excellent standards?

3/1/2011 07:00:56 am

Sorry about leaving it so late to email you back by the way.... We'll catch up soon after we have returned from our various families.


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