Dai nationality peacock dancers
As I left to pick up Edie from school this morning I stumbled across a parade of various Yunnan nationality people in dancing garb. The streets had been lined with army and police for 2 hours previously to hold back the crowds, but with my camera bag and professional-looking SLR camera I managed to blend in with the official press photographers on the street to get some decent shots - no-one seemed to mind! Pity about the rain though. The authorities here obviously don't have sufficient funds to instigate a weather modification programme like they did for our last parade in Beijing on October 1st!

Back down at the Yunnan Nationality Clothing Festival Edie took this picture of an interested local. Despite the rain it was heaving with people, damply crowding into the leaking tent stalls. I met my pal Li Xiaowen (from the Da Lu Shan trip) and we had a few baijius, but I managed to get roped into an interview for the local TV station. Hopefully I was so bad they won't bother me again!

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