Many things have caught our attention in New Zealand, including public toilets. We've already posted a snapshot of the ornately-decorated Kawakawa loos on the North Island. Today Lesley enjoyed the fresh air and views from this clean and well-kept rest room on the South Island. There aren't many public loos in (rural) China one would hang around longer than necessary, except perhaps the ones in Lijiang with tourist board DVDs playing as one squats.

29/9/2010 12:32:12 am

Isn't it that you sometimes, maybe far in a back corner of your mind, miss those awfull toilets??? Here in Cambodia I am surprised, every time I walk into a toilet in the field. They actually do have a toilet, not only some wooden planks...
but "you gotta love the experience"!

29/9/2010 04:50:08 pm

It's good to (W)see.


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