Hello beautiful bars...
A lot of time, money and health & safety violations are being put into pulling down every single balcony in Kunming. Why? The local government is hoping to win the 2010 Beautiful Chinese City award. I'm sure it crossed their minds that replacing some rotten boards, scrubbing canopies and encouraging residents to fill the balconies with pot plants (if they hadn't already done so) might make the city more beautiful. Instead, however, they are stripping everything back to white tiles and putting shiney, poor quality bars on all the windows, aiming for a more Penitentiary City look. China might be 'opening up' but it seems that homogeneity is still the order of the day in the Middle Kingdom. What's more, like Mao's killing of sparrows and melting down of steel during his glory days, this current policy is being implemented on a mass scale. What I'd like to know, however, is who that balcony on the 4th floor belongs to [centre of photo].

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