Freda about to go to sleep.
Dad and I went up to the great wall and camped out for a night. It was very windy and it started to rain when I went to bed. When we got to the place we were to camp the night I insisted that dad put a massive stone in the tent so that it didn't blow away. I used it as a bedside table [see picture above]. Before I went to bed I saw a scorpion and when I woke up in the morning there was fox poo outside our tent. We tried to light a fire to heat some water but for some reason the dead wood didn't light. Dad had taken a face cloth so when I woke up I wiped my face and felt much better. We had great fun and I would love to go camping again.

Freda and camping gear.
We got up at 6:30 this morning and climbed up to the highest tower [above my head in the picture], then we walked back down to the house. Mum said she had a special surprise for us - cereal from the UK. She brought out a big bowl of sort of sugar puffs. They didn't really come from the UK. They were broken up puffed wheat biscuits, served with UHT milk. They weren't that great but I told mum they were lovely. It's the thought that counts.

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