Xiao Qian with her painted stone.
Twenty-seven visitors descended on the yard this weekend for a party, to celebrate Yanhui's departure from the VSO Programme Office. She has worked there tirelessly for a year, offering efficient and highly effective support to the Basic Education Programme and international volunteers. VSO's loss is another NGO's gain, however, as she begins work as Communications Manager for another development organisation at the end of August.

Some visitors came for the day, others stayed at No 6 Uncle's B&B but spent the day at the yard or on short outings. I took the opportunity to pilot a few activities for the official pilot next weekend. In the morning we took everyone down to the river to find stones, which were taken back to the Activity Centre to paint. It was mostly the women and children who took part in the activities (and cleaning and cooking and parenting) while the men sat around eating, drinking, smoking and chatting. Eric befriended Xiong Mao, our self-nominated guard dog, so while Xiao Qian returns to the city with a beautifully-decorated stone, Eric will have gained a few ticks and fleas.

Sam (Yanhui's son) painted a T-Rex, which then attempted to eat his mum's stone character.
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