Checking and displaying results.
We had a great turnout (well over 100 competitors, many of whom paired up) for this morning's orienteering event, the first of the term. It was mainly Grade 1 and 2 students, from the departments of English, Maths and PE, as well as a few Primary school children. We got up at 6:30 am to begin preparations and the course was marked by 8:30 for the first runners to start. The TDC workers, who were active orienteers last term, helped guide the newbies through the steps. Lesley was at the start/finish gate and Ali calculated times as competitors returned. These were then displayed on the tape behind. What was most rewarding for me was seeing the change in the students in such a short time - they turned up looking bewildered and apprehensive, though willing to give this unknown sport a shot. By the time they had completed a course they were excited, chattering, analysising their route choices and discussing various markers - the sign of being true orienteers. They were also sweating and panting over Ali as he calculated their times and checked control stamps. Only a handful of competitors were disqualified, mostly for running to any control they spotted around the campus, without actually reading the map!  The winners received VSO year planners, and all participants went away proudly sporting VSO wristbands.

William won the long course, coming in even faster than our previous O-champion, Kevin.
Allan [in pink] and her partner had the fastest time for the short course.
5/6/2010 06:35:00 pm

Where do you guys find the time! Fantastic event!


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