Me beside the bottom of the waterfall
Yesterday we went on a walk on a cliff. There was a big waterfall. We walked to the top of the waterfall then we walked down to the first pool and then down to the second (the second was at the bottom of the falls). When we got to the bottom I got a Tim-tam biscuit. My favourite part of the walk was where we had to hold onto a rope and lower ourselves down. We had to help out a Chinese guy who didn't know how to do it and was stuck. It was great fun. Byeeeeee

Mum and Edie climing a ladder with a sea of forest below
A DANGER sign at the top of the falls. The yellow arrow in the picture points to where we were standing.
Trees for as far as the eyes can see, and 'The three sisters' in the foreground.
Grannie Eppie
9/11/2010 07:11:33 pm

Hi there. Grandad and I went to that very waterfall when we visited but we don't remember hanging from a rope!
We drove there in an all-terrain vehicle from Sydney and our lady driver kept plunging off the road into the bushes among the wallabies... good fun but very bumpy


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