'Who finished the shower gel?'
Our bathroom is a busy place these days and the fluttering of Sid and Chirpy's wings make quite a draft. Chirpy and Sid love the bathroom! Don't ask me why. They hang around on the curtains and on the tubs and bottles of shower gel and shampoo, pulling things out and throwing them on the floor. We have to put the toilet cover on though because Sid's flying isn't very good and he might fall down the hole! As you can see in the picture Chirpy is about to fluff up her feathers. She does this when she wants to show who's boss. Aren't they cute? Once they've played long enough they go back to their cage for food. One keeps look out and if they see us coming to shut the door, they dive out. Very clever. Also, I hope you like the new Joke Corner.

12/7/2010 07:05:51 pm

What happened to the birds Ava bought - did Sid and Chirpy eat them? Where's the Joke Corner? Can't wait for that!


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