I find it hard to get motivated to exercise in the heat here, but I'm also tired of putting it off and I can feel myself becoming more and more lethargic. A few days ago I started a routine of going for a short run, accompanied by Freda on the bike, and returning for some tai qi. I practised tai qi for over a year in Simao, for half an hour every morning. Our small group was instructed by a College PE teacher, Li Chao. I'm a little bit rusty now, however, and am a long way from 'feeling the qi' but I shall persevere. I can't see myself having a better opportunity than this to reinstate the habit.

15/8/2010 06:15:07 am

Hi Lesley! How are you? I have been following your blog avidly and find it really interesting. Have your future plans firmed up at all?
All well here. Iona, Morag and i went to Mac's wedding in Grantown -on-Spey.Great fun. Bride eight and a half months pregnant and reception in a large fishing hut!!
Keep on blogging...
Lots of love
Lesley xx


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