The trainees are having to cope with many new experiences this week, especially the trainee-centred approaches. One of the many requirements is that participants sit in new groups for each workshop. Not only that, they must make sure they have a balance of English-speakers and non-English-speakers, as well as men and women. At the first meeting all the non-English-speakers huddled together. Quite illogical given that they had nobody nearby who could then help translate, if need be. In fact, I try to make sure that my training methods are very inclusive and nobody gets left behind. If I can't say something in Chinese, someone else jumps in to help. If they feedback in Chinese, they have the responsibility to agree/disagree, approve/disapprove. The great thing is, despite working in two languages, we still managed to finish on time. We have great cooperation and a wonderful atmosphere in class. I might even get through the second day without a migraine too. That would be a bonus!

11/4/2010 03:51:12 pm

Great work and I REALLY appreciate what you have done as a teacher .I gradually used the life here .wish you get my email.and see you soon .


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