Freda starting off the pigeon feeding frenzy
We didn't get out of bed until 10:30 (jet lag and general tiredness) but headed straight out after brunch. Our main destination was Aukland Museum, which took us through a huge park with trees to climb, birds to feed and various other attractions - soft grass, attractive architecture, friendly school groups. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the museum, where we learned about traditional arts, crafts and ways of life, the plant and wild life of the islands as well as the possibility of the volcano under Aukland errupting any day now. Well, that's what the girls took away from it and they are now ready to leave.
Tree climbing in the park
[See Movie page for short clip from the feeding frenzy.]
14/9/2010 09:15:29 pm

Pigeons - avian rats!

14/9/2010 10:14:27 pm

I love your movie page .

20/9/2010 11:59:57 pm

Hi! Great to hear you landed in New Zealand. Hope you'll have a good time and I'm curious about everything you're going to do!
Big hug, Leandra


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